søndag 25. januar 2015

Film: Disconnect

a) a brief introduction to what the film is about
- The film is about different stories where the internet has a central role. The different stories showed how trust can be used to something negative. It's a moving film.
One of the stories was a boy who sent a picture of himself naked to someone he talked to over the internet. The person he sent it to was someone who wanted to joke with him and the picture was sent to the whole school. He tried to kill himself. 
Another story was a woman who chatted with a man. The woman got hacked and the man took all her money. 

b) Your opinion about the issues presented in the film - are there any familiar elements?
- My opinion about the issues presented in the film is that it's important and necessary to know that things like that really happens. Jokes and things someone does just for fun really can hurt others. The internet is something many people use and therefore it's important to think about some consequences.
Most of people today uses the internet very much. I use it a lot every day. 

c) Did you like the film? Why/why not?
- Yes I liked the film because it was touching. The issues was something most people can relate to. 

d) Which part of the film made an impression on you? 
- The part of the film that made an impression on me was the last part. I think it was touching when everything went so wrong. 

onsdag 21. januar 2015

Global Issues - Social Media and the Internet

The texts describes how the technology has changed the last years and how it develop the society. The technology has helped us to communicate much easier.
I agree to what the texts says about that the technology has changed the society. They say that the technology maybe has became a bit too important to the world.
At school we use the technology for example to write blogs, to do tasks at the internet or to search facts. At home I use the technology to social media and to communicate with friends.

søndag 11. januar 2015

Events in American History

1. Do you think the colonies had good reason to declare Independence? Why?
- I think that if I were a colonist I wouldn't like to pay taxes that just ended in England's "pocket" and didn't help to upgrade things in the society. That's one of the reasons I think the colonies has a good reason to declare independence.  

2. Should one country be able to colonize another? When should a colony be granted Independence?
- One country should  be able to colonize another only if it is the best for both parts. If the colony wants independence and they're ready to "stand on their own legs" they should be granted independence. 

3. The Bill of Rights guarantees Americans "the right to bear arms". Many Americans still feel this is important for personal safety and in case they need to revolt  against their own government, They argue that the Minutemen and the local militias only won the fight for Independence because they had firearms.
What do you think?
Should everyone have the right to bear arms? All kinds of arms?

- I think that if everyone should have the right to bear arms there should be some strict rules and not all kinds of weapons should be allowed. Not all people will use the weapons just for personal safety and that's why the question is difficult. 

4. If you were to present your nation's history in the same way as above, which events would you choose? Why?
- The years Norway was in a union with Denmark and Sweden, because it affected Norway. 

- 1814, the year Norway got it's own Constitution.